Real estate experts with an entrepreneurial mindset
GARBE stands for more than 55 years of proven expertise in real estate development and in the professional management of commercial and residential assets. GARBE Institutional Capital is GARBE’s pan-European platform for residential and commercial real estate investment management “beyond logistics”. In line with GARBE’s holistic approach, GARBE Institutional Capital offers vertically integrated platforms – for example, for Residential, food-anchored retail real estate and for Science & Technology Real Estate. We are an investor, operator and developer.
We serve as an intermediary between long-term-oriented institutional investors and hands-on entrepreneurship. Our investment philosophy is grounded in taking both the viewpoint of an owner and – most importantly – putting ourselves into the shoes of the (end) users of any given asset. Why? Because we are convinced these are two sides of the same coin. We aim to invest in properties that enable users to achieve their growth potential because we believe this generates performance for our investors. Finally, our investment approach utilizes our detailed in-house research and the continuous exchange among our investment professionals on the ground across Europe.